• About E-Learning Safety Plus

    Health and Safety are two important aspects to lead a healthy and safe life. We should strive to include health and safety as part of our culture to reap exponential benefits for the individual, family, workplace and the whole community.  

    Currently these programs are running in INDIA and SAARC nations.  

    • Our training programs are designed through continuous research & development and meets international standards for health   and safety.    
    • Our passion is to impart education and training, reaching out to more and more people, irrespective of the country.     
    • E-learning platform makes the knowledge accessible to any person located anywhere in the world.

    • Front page Label

Available courses

Emergency Response & First Aid

Emergency comes unexpected. We should prepare by learning adequate ...

Workplace Ergonomics

Ergonomics means Laws or rules of work. Ergonomics is the science o...


CPR is the heart and soul of our first aid training programs. Accor...

Defensive Driving & Road Safety

When we drive the car, we just drive the CAR. We don't remember th...

Fire Safety

No building is fire proof. Fire can happen anywhere, even a small o...

Disaster Management

Disaster is defined as a serious disruption of the functioning of ...

Evacuation Mock Drill

Evacuation from a building on fire and in case of an earthquake war...

Stress management

Stress is itself not a disease but it is considered to be mother of...

Women Safety

Women's Safety isn't just about preventing rape, it Is about ensuri...

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